Monday 7 September 2009

How to Remove Programs from Windows Startup?

Ever wondered why it takes so long to boot up you PC, even a new one. Most computers come with many applications pre-installed to which are enabled to run whenever the PC boots up, this causes delay in boot up time. Whenever you install applications on your computer it’s the same thing. You might not want these applications to run at all times in the background as they tend to consume more processor speed which causes your PC to run slow. You can try this quick trick to help you disable these files in windows startup.

Click {Win+R}. If you don’t know where the WIN key is, it is the one with WIN Logo on the last row of your keyboard. Else Click ‘Start’ then ‘Run’ (if you are on Vista there is no ‘Run’ option, you can type in search.)
In the space type in ‘msconfig’ then ’OK’.

Click on the ‘Startup’ tab
In the Check Box click what you don’t need
Click ‘Apply’ then ‘Ok’

You will need to reboot your PC for this to work, removing unwanted startup files will help your PC boot faster.

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